Geometric reasoning
Mental computation
Big ideas
Experiencing variation
Expected differences
Empirical and theoretical
Coin toss
Informal inference
Misunderstanding samples and sampling
Bias in survey questions
Good survey questions
Writing survey questions
Bias from sample size
How big a sample?
Increasing sample size
Bias in sampling methods
Selecting sampling methods
Sampling methods activity
Misleading graphs
Misleading scales
Teaching scales in graphs
Misuse of area
Teaching area for graphs
Area in graphs
Scale activity
Misunderstandings of averages
Problems with categorical data
Medians and categorical data
Mean, median and mode
Identifying outliers
Plots and outliers
Difficulties with informal inference
Is there a difference?
Meaningful differences
Differences in heights
Is there an association?
Strength of associations
Judging associations
Examples of box plots
Features of box plots
Interpreting box plots
Belief in the media
Media claims
Using media in the classroom
Media claims activity
Questioning the media
Teaching critical questioning
Good teaching
Data collection
Types of data
Sample size and variation
Bias in data
Samples and populations
Data representation
Linking graphs to data types
Creating pie graphs
Data reduction
Central tendency
Box plots
Influence of outliers
Mean, median and mode
Making informal inferences
Single measurement variables
Comparing two populations
Using different media
Digital media
Current electronic resources
Statistics in the news media
Student data
Statistical investigations
Modelling statistical investigations
Semi-structured statistical investigations
Undertaking statistical investigations
Assessment tasks
School survey
Prediction from a pictograph
Critical thinking about average
Graph reading and scale
Comparing two groups
Assessing the media
Statistical investigations
Assessing statistical investigations
Assessment rubrics
Are males better drivers?
Area in graphs
Awareness of outliers
Balancing act 1
Balancing act 2
Biased data
Categorical and numerical data
Conflicting reports
Contrasting the median and mean
Dice duels
Differences in heights
Graph investigator
Home internet survey
How long is a piece of string?
How much is lots?
Increasing sample size
Interpreting box plots
Investigating us
Judging associations
Mean, median and mode
Media claims activity
Melbourne Cup data
Mystery bag
Plots and outliers
Predicting AFL winners
Questioning the media
Random or not
Reaction time
Sampling from a mystery population
Sampling methods activity
Scale activity
Signature length 1
Signature length 2
Sleuthing pie graphs
Variation in sample size for coin tosses
What is typical?
Writing survey questions
Site map
An outstanding cricketer: Student worksheet
Analysing media reports: Possible answers
Analysing media reports: Student worksheet
Are males better drivers? Answers
Are males better drivers? Rubric
Are males better drivers? Student worksheet
Armspan video transcript
Average task: Possible answers
Belief in the media: Student worksheet
Beware of outliers: Student worksheet
Beware of outliers: Teacher notes
Biased data: Student worksheet
Boxplots on a Calculator video transcript
Coin tossing activity
Comparing groups: Rubric
Comparing groups: Student worksheet
Contrasting medians and means: Data
Contrasting medians and means: Student worksheet
Contrasting medians and means: Teacher notes
Covariation: Assessment
Examples of misjudgements: Teacher notes
Graph reading and scale: Rubric
Graph reading and scale: Student worksheet
How students travel to school: Rubric
How students travel to school: Student worksheet
Increasing Sample Size video transcript
Informal inference with box plots: Teacher notes
Judging associations: Answers
Misleading area graphs: Answers
My foot length: Answers
My foot length: Student worksheet
Mystery Bag video transcript
Mystery bag: Student worksheet
Mystery bag: Teacher notes
Paperclip investigation video transcript
Paperclip investigation: Student worksheet
Paperclip investigation: Work sample
Pie graph activity: Answers
Pie graph activity: Student worksheet
Pie graphs: Answers
Pie graphs: Student worksheet
Predicting AFL winners
Random or not: Teacher notes
Randomisation in Coin Tosses video transcript
Randomisation of coin tosses slide presentation
Scatter Plots video transcript
School survey task: Rubric
School survey task: Student worksheet
Statistical investigations: Rubric
Statistical literacy: Using the media
Survey methods: Questionnaire
The Melbourne Cup: Answers
The Melbourne Cup: Student worksheet
Unpacking categorical and numerical data: Student worksheet
Unpacking categorical and numerical data: Teacher notes
What is 'typical' for different kinds of data?
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