Geometric reasoning
Mental computation
Big ideas
Plane shapes
Congruent triangles
Similar triangles
Geometric proof
Convince me
Circle geometry
Angle and chord properties
Classifying polygons
Is this a hexagon?
Pattern block hexagons
Hexagonal tangrams
Similar or congruent?
What is wrong with this proof?
Starting a congruence or similarity proof
Complete the congruence proof
The language of geometry
Geometric literacy
Tackling the terminology
Translating geometric descriptions
Revealing the invisible
An angle in the bend
Approaching a geometric problem
Adding auxilliary lines
More construction lines
Good teaching
Exploring quadrilaterals
Properties of quadrilaterals
Exploring congruence
Developing the congruence tests
Looking beyond the lines
Visualising relationships
Writing a proof
Proving Pythagoras' theorem
Exploring circles
Explore, predict, confirm
Assessment approaches
Practical tasks
Working collaboratively
Pen and paper
Creative construction
Assessment design
Changing direction
Literacy questions
Find the error
Geometry games
Adding auxilliary lines
Circle geometry investigations
Complete the congruence proof
Dissected proof
Dynamic circle geometry
Geometry toolkit
Great angle chase
Hexagonal tangrams
Linking angles
Paper, pencil and protractor
Pattern block hexagons
Property match-up
Quadrilateral flowchart puzzle
Quadrilateral property quiz
Translating geometric descriptions
Virtual congruence
Geometric reasoning
Site map
Adding auxiliary lines: Hints
Adding auxilliary lines: Solutions
Adding auxilliary lines: Student worksheet
Angle sum of a triangle: Student worksheet
Blank Frayer model
Circle geometry investigations: Student worksheet
Circle geometry theorems
Classifying triangles: Information sheet
Congruence and similarity test
Congruent triangles
Convex and non-convex polygons: Information sheet
Geometry check-ups: Sample answers
Geometry check-ups: Sample answers (annotated)
Geometry toolkit: Solutions
Geometry toolkit: Student worksheet
Great angle chase slide show presentation
Great angle chase: Solutions
Great angle chase: Student worksheet
Linking angles slide presentation
Looking beyond the lines
Milli makes magical measurements: Student worksheet
Morphing quadrilaterals
Naming polygons: Information sheet
Paper, pencil and protractor: Solutions
Paper, pencil and protractor: Student worksheet
Pattern block hexagons: Student worksheet
Properties of quadrilaterals: Information sheets
Property match-up: Student worksheet
Proving congruence: Answers
Proving congruence: Student worksheet
Proving Pythagoras' theorem
Putting it all together: Student worksheet
Pythagoras' similarity proof
Quadrilateral flowchart puzzle
Quadrilateral properties
Quadrilateral properties quiz
Regular and irregular polygons: Information sheet
Similar triangles
SImple similarity problem
Special quadrilaterals: Information sheet
Tangram hexagons: Answers
Tangram hexagons: Student worksheet
Translating geometric descriptions: Solutions
Translating geometric descriptions: Student worksheet
Try these triangles: Assessment tasks
Two proofs of the angle sum of a triangle
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