Home > Fractions > Activities > Comparing unit fractions

Comparing unit fractions

The learning object L2802 Fraction fiddle: comparing unit fractions uses the context of two birds comparing the size of the meal (fraction of a worm) they have just eaten.

A prediction of which fraction is the larger (or smaller) is required before using the tools to make the representations and to check the prediction.

If using the learning object with the whole class, via a screen or interactive whiteboard, the teacher should encourage discussion of predictions and strategies for deciding before moving to the checking stage of the activity.

Provide pairs of students with a page of 0 to 1 number lines and ask them to predict the location of each unit fraction. The pairs could take turns in carrying out the checking stage.

One bird with half of a worm, another bird with a quarter of a worm. The fractions compared on a number line to find which is smaller.

Screen grab from L2802 Fraction fiddle: comparing unit fractions.
Source: © Education Services Australia Ltd, 2011


Students working in pairs can take turns in completing the tasks presented by the learning object, discussing their strategies and any errors. The printed record of the task solutions can be used to support a class debriefing discussion about the most effective strategies.

Curriculum links

Year 5: Compare and order common unit fractions and locate and represent them on a number line
