Media > Files
AAMT Draft submission Review AuC
Draft submission to the 2014 review. Please send comments to by 21 February at the latest.
AAMT Guidelines for Authors
AAMT Guidelines fo Authors wishing to submit papers to AAMT journals.
AAMT Guidelines for Authors_2020.pdf 277.52 kB
AAMT Submission to 2014 Curriculum Review
AAMT Submission to 2014 Curriculum Review
Adapting Assessment Instruments for an Alaskan context paper by Monica Wong University of Sydney and Jerry Lipka University of Alaska Fairbanks.
maths-trad-new-pracs-wong.pdf 614.06 kB
Application package for Project Manager: Online Teacher Support
Elaborating a model of teacher professional growth
Media Release MiC Blueprint: Supporting best teaching of mathematics for Indigenous learners
Media release from 12 April 2013
Media_release_MiCMk2.pdf 235.96 kB
MiC Blueprint: Supporting best teaching of mathematics for Indigenous learners
Blueprint for 2013-16
BLUEPRINT_A3.pdf 223.19 kB
Scaff Lang of Maths Lit Learning Middle Years
NMD images
Numeracy, Mathematics and Indigenous Learners: Not the same old thing
Numeracy, Mathematics and Indigenous Learners: Not the same old thing
Strategic Plan 2014-16
AAMT's Strategic Plan for the triennium to the end of 2016. Key features are a new and more powerful vision; and recasting the third goal to be exclusively about buliding stronger connections and collaboration with the Affiliates.
StratPlan_2014-16.pdf 111.05 kB